Submit abstract here

Abstract System Guidance for Submitters

Abstract Submission

The organizing committee cordially invites you to submit an abstract to ICW 2025. Please note that it is required that you register for attending ICW 2025 first, before you can submit an abstract.

Abstract Guidelines

ICW 2025 is using a platform to manage the submissions. All abstracts must be submitted online. Only original research can be submitted for oral and poster sessions. The accepted abstracts will be presented in English as the official language of the conference. Multiple abstract submissions are permitted. Submissions imply the willingness of at least one author to register, attend the conference, and present the research.

Deadline of abstract submission: March 14, 2025

After the submission, an acknowledgement email is sent automatically to the author, to ensure that your abstract has been properly uploaded. The presenting author for both oral sessions as well as posters, must register and pay for attending the congress, before the abstract deadline.

Encore Abstracts

An encore abstract is the resubmission of an original abstract that has previously been presented at another event, conference or congress. Encore abstracts are accepted, as long as copyright held by another event, conference or congress is not breached. Authors are, however, strongly advised to add new data generated between the last presentation and ICW 2025 abstract submission deadline. If you are submitting an encore abstract to ICW 2025, please ensure that you indicate this in the relevant section of the submission form.

Abstract Form - Making a SubmissionAbstracts must be written in English and follow the submission instructions:
  1. Create an Account: – To enter the system for the first time, you must create an account in Oxford Abstracts. Your name and email must be entered in English (no foreign characters or symbols).
  2. Complete the Abstract Submission Form:
    1. ICW Registration: - The presenting author is required to register for the meeting first before submitting an abstract. You will need to enter your registration reference number on the abstract form. If, for any reason, your abstract is not accepted for presentation at the ICW meeting, your registration may be refunded upon written request, less an administrative fee of $110.
    2. Primary Topic:  - Select one of the conference topics:
      • a. Complement pathways, activation and regulation
      • b. Complement structure and function
      • c. Complement-related diseases
      • d. Complement and infection (including COVID-19)
      • e. Preclinical models to study complement
      • f. Complement assays and biomarkers
      • g. Complement therapeutics
      • h. Non-canonical functions of complement
    3. Title: - Abstract must include one title (max. 200 characters)
    4. Authors & Affiliations: - Enter the names of ALL authors here (first, last, email, institution, city, country)- including yourself if you are an author - in the order in which you wish them to appear in the printed text. Names omitted here will NOT be printed in the author index or the final program. *Be sure to select the Presenting Author checkbox for the appropriate person.
    5. Abstract: – The body text should be constructed in elements of: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion either under headings or with combined text (max. 350 words)
    6. References: - You may provide up to 2 references (max. 50 words; printed in program)
    7. Presentation: – Select: Oral or Poster / Poster only
    8. Encore Abstract: – Select: Yes / No
    9. Author Approval: - Confirm that the submission of this abstract has been approved by all authors
    10. Permission to Publish: - Give ICW permission to publish the abstract on electronic media and print if it is accepted for presentation
    11. Author Will Attend: – Confirm that at least one author will attend and present the paper at the Conference
    12. Conflict of Interest Disclosure: – select: Yes /No and enter details if Yes.

You will see a pop up alert if:
• Mandatory fields are left incomplete
• Your word or character count is over the permitted limit
Your submission will be marked as 'incomplete' if these have not been answered, so ensure you return to complete these before the deadline. You will receive email notification that your submission has been received and informed whether it is complete or incomplete.
Click on the OA logo at the top left of your screen to return to your dashboard where you can view/edit your submissions or make a new submission.

Editing Your Abstract

You can edit any submission at any time, even if it is complete, up until the submission deadline. If submissions are closed, Edit will be greyed out, and clicking on the title link will direct you to a read only version of your submission. To edit a submission you have already made, click on EDIT (on your personal dashboard). Make the changes required to your submission, scroll down to the bottom of the form, and then click on SUBMIT (bottom right of the form). You will receive an email notification that you have edited your submission.

Review Process

The International Complement Society (ICS) Council will review and score abstracts blinded to author identity to select abstracts for oral presentation, and to assist with travel award selection. The ICW2025 LOC may also consider equity and balance of scientific content to select the final speakers for the scientific sessions.
Notifications of acceptance will be emailed on April 30, 2025
You may also log in to your Oxford account to check the status of your submission.

Abstract Publication

Accepted abstracts will be published in a special online issue of Immunobiology.

Oral Presentation

A committee will select speakers based on the accepted abstract submissions.

Poster Presentation

At least one of the authors of each accepted poster is expected to be present at the poster during the designated poster-session.

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